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Pilot Transfer Accident Investigation

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Whilst our aim is always pilot transfer accident prevention we can also assist should things go wrong. Our highly qualified accident investigators are all serving or recently retired senior maritime pilots. They can offer a unique insight into any pilot ladder accident investigation drawing on their considerable experience of conducting thousands of pilot ladder transfers they are able to quickly establish the facts of the case.

Pilot transfer accident investigations are often let down by the inexperience of the acting investigating officer not having had a background in pilotage. Our detailed reporting provides an impartial, factual and insightful consideration of the incident with evidence based conclusions as to the cause, contributing factors and recommendations for preventing such incidents in the future.

Pilot Transfer Accident Investigation

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Who we work with

We’re proud to partner with leading companies inside and outside our industry to help bring our service to a wider audience.

European Union Regional Development Fund
Lundqvist Rederierna
PTR Holland BV